I would like to acknowledge the various sites where I got most of the pictures posted on my blog. I'm sorry if I fail to cite you or give credits most of the time. I simply can't remember where I got the pics. But I assure you, I would never claim your pictures to myself. I'm glad you posted it and now I can appreciate its beauty. My apologies to anybody whom have been offended by this carelessness. I would try to be more conscious (and cautious) next time. Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures.
Here are the members of the CLCD family: (from left-right) Jon, Garie, Jean, Charlie, Dean Alex, guest speakers Ms. Pura and Fr. Alejo, Tin, Ma'am Lily, Lydia, Len, Aidz, Lilee, Nora.
There is someone whom I loved more than Josh Groban…my first real love, Oscar de la Hoya. And he’s back in Danger Zone after a 20-month break. I am overjoyed that he won this bout. One truth I know: Once you loved a person, you will never stop loving him.